Special offer to Gedlich – Ascari

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Get the Onboard Video demo this weekend in Ascari… it’s free!

During the Gedlich event in Ascari, next 18 & 19 Jan, JuanGa Rueda, filmmaker from Cultura Racing will be introducing his new video Onboard Service: ONBOARD ACTION and making some demos for free.

Some Gopros in your car to capturing all the action, including an amazing 360 camera.. incredible shots from all angles.

The Onboard Action video service is the next stage in normal Gopro’s onboard videos. In one video, we mix cinematic intro and onboard footage, with an amazing result. 

Feel like Ken Block in the Gymkhana, the viral video series that changed automotive filmmaking forever.

This onboard videos are customizable and unique, so no two are the same. We can put until 5 onboard cameras in your racecar shooting simultaneously (one of them is a 360 camera) with profesional mount bases and clamps, (no scratches in the paint).
Forget your standard mounts, we got the really multi angle mount to fit in your roll cage.

ONBOARD ACTION / Teaser 2 / Swift Sport Cup / Rallye de Cadiz

Teaser con algunos momentos destacados del ONBOARD ACTION que realizamos al equipo Balzac Rallye Team en el Ralye de Cádiz.Tienes el vídeo completo aqui: https://www.culturaracing.com/2019-video-swift-mayorgas-rallye-sierra-cadiz/Más información sobre nuestros vídeos ONBARD ACTION aqui: https://www.culturaracing.com/videos-onboard-personalizados/

Posted by Cultura Racing on Monday, October 14, 2019

The driver don’t have to worry about batteries, SD cards, mounts… You only focus in driving. We do all the film job.

Remember, while you are driving you feel a tons of sensations and adrenaline… and we export this feeling to the video, so you can back to feel this once and again and again through your custom videos.

Javier Galán – Rallye Sierra Morena

Adelanto de nuestra última producción, casi media hora de acción en los tramos del Sierra Morena con Javier Galán / Alicia Rodríguez Benítez a bordo del Fiesta N5 de RMC Motorsport.Suscríbete a nuestro canal de Youtube, y sé el primero en ver el vídeo cuando acabe de subirse: https://www.youtube.com/culturaracing

Posted by Cultura Racing on Tuesday, April 2, 2019

We shoot in some really unusual angles to have the better side of the driving. Also, the videos shows the driver’s sponsors in the credits.

This weekend you had the chance to get your best onboard video. Try it! 


Here you can see some examples of videos from races:


Get your ONBOARD ACTION video-production demo for free this weekend!


Find us in the Ascari paddock or contact directly on WhatsApp:

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